
Supernatural and the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a teacher.
Many times when people are undergoing a period of profound spiritual growth, they experience what initially seem to be coincidental premonitions, which actually are communications with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit enters our midst when we have faith in Jesus Christ. When we manifest faith in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit which God sent as a counselor and comforter, when we bring that state of faith into existence, the Holy Spirit becomes present with us, availing itself as a teacher and guide.
Seemingly random coincidences and premonitions, while often having no meaning or important message in and of themselves, are presented by the Holy Spirit as opportunities to grow deeper in our ability to manifest faith. When the premonition occurs, the Holy Spirit presents two choices: believe either it is a manifestation of the supernatural spirit world, or merely a coincence in the natural world. We are given the opportunity to practice manifesing our faith in the spiritual world, and learn to resist the influence of the natural world, and thus growing and enriching our contact and communications with the Holy Spirit. The premonitions occur most during periods of significant spiritual growth and can rise in frequency and intensity as the period of sprititual growth or progress steeps.

Have you experienced these kind of lessons from the Holy Spirit?